I might just be a tad obsessed with sock heels! They are essential to a great fitting sock, and if you choose the right one, you’ll never want to take your hand-knit socks off. Here is a glossary of sock heel patterns, with links, for your enjoyment and education. Sock Heel Patterns Glossary

One question that keeps coming up lately is “Which comes first, tech editing or testing?” For new designers, the whole process can be slightly confusing at first. What exactly are the differences between tech editing and testing a pattern? A tech editor is someone that thoroughly reviews your pattern for missing pieces, grammatical errors, and

Have you ever wanted to grade your own knitting or crochet patterns, but get hopelessly stuck on the tricky parts? You have a vision of the perfect sweater, but the numbers are just out of reach? Or you’re ok until you get to the extended sizes, then you’re stumped? Announcing the new grading course by

I’m gonna start this post by admitting that I haven’t always used a Tech Editor. Yep! You heard me correctly! Waaaay back in the day, when I first started designing, I honestly had no clue that such wonderful people existed! Fast forward a couple of years, and I still didn’t know exactly what they did