Which Comes First?

One question that keeps coming up lately is “Which comes first, tech editing or testing?” For new designers, the whole process can be slightly confusing at first.

What exactly are the differences between tech editing and testing a pattern?

A tech editor is someone that thoroughly reviews your pattern for missing pieces, grammatical errors, and consistency.  Checking your math and making sure all the numbers add up and produce the measurements listed, is another area they specialize in. If you need charts or schematics, most will provide those also.

A testing group, on the other hand, will crochet or knit the design and will point out, or inform you of, fit, clarity, and perhaps yardage used. Sometimes they spot errors a tech editor would, but not always.

Both are important steps in the designing process to produce an error free pattern that is enjoyable to make!

Many designers prefer their pattern to go through tech editing first. This ensures a smooth test for their volunteers. Other designers like to have the pattern tested first to make sure the final product will have a good fit.

Which one you start with all depends on your confidence in your pattern writing ability. If you are a new designer, tech editing first is probably the best route. This avoids frustration for you and your testers. If you have been publishing for a loooonnng time, and especially if you tend to re-use parts of your previously published patterns, the order may not make much of a difference.

Personally, my testers always get the option of waiting for the edited pattern, or jumping right in. Most of them, because they are adventurous, choose the unedited version! Brave souls!

Having both a fantastic tech editor and a great group of volunteers to test your pattern can make all the difference! They are, in my humble opinion, some of your most valuable resources when your goal is to create patterns that will be appreciated by the fiber community!

Which do you prefer to start with? Tech editing or testing? Leave a comment and join in the conversation!